Dumb Bean

February 21, 2009

Just finished Dota-ing with Dumb (complaining and getting annoyed while studying) beside me. Played with CG and XW this time. Terrible game that lasted damn long with its consequence being Dumb getting mad at pissed. Watched Quarantine with her earlier on on my laptop while snacking on chips. Dumb said don’t feed her already as it was fattening but subconsciously her hand reached out for the chips again (Got knocked on the head for this statement) -.-

Quarantine is one weird show that reminds me Left 4 Dead. Rabids causing everyone to become one of the infected. Just no Boomers, Tanks, Hunters and Smokers. It ended with a blood, disturbing, ugly, scary Witch killing the last survivor (Adjectives added by Dumb).

(Dumb cuts in) “I tell you, Micro is causing all my brain cells to experience diminishing marginal returns! bloody screwed.” (After which we started playing the guess-which-finger game before commenting that the Hershey’s sticks look like beef jerkey and it ended with a kiss!)

Okay gotta go now for dinner with Dumb (It’s like breakfast. Apparently, this man didnt have a proper meal since the moment he woke up. As usual, Pig to conclude.)

Gogo Liverpool tomorrow! Torres hat-trick FTW :D (For The Win – another boring gaming term)

Bracketed words are by Dumb, my girlfriend of course (:

Loveyou Dumb(:

Perpetual Mother

February 3, 2009

Dumb is beside me now. Dumb, say Hi :D She said ‘Hello pig.’ -.- She’s at my house now studying and memorizing 147 slides of OBSE (WTH is that?) She said ‘Organization Behaviour Service Excellence.’ (WTH is that?) We are rolling around the bed actually, damn bored. Just gave her a kiss but she still refuses to carry on studying.

Dad the bachelor is currently in the living room alone, probably emo-ing. Mum ps-ed him to travel to China for a holiday with her parents. Thankfully I have Dumb to keep me company woohoo. Not so emo.

Going to uncle’s house later for dinner. Dumb apparently did not want to go again for some reason. Even when my aunt specially cooked for her. She’s so mean tsktsk, but I like HAHA <3

Okay it’s getting bored so it’s Dumb turn to type! Spam spam :D

Aloysius that pig is lazing around now, as usual! Bum! -.-

And I tell you, OB officially sucks! Thanks to Captain Andrew’s existence. Since I took over the job of blogging, pig fell asleep beside me! Yes! Pig (: And I don’t like -.-

Okay spamming session over. Stay tune for more action-packed conversation on Thursday. (Don’t know why, but Dumb said so.)

Loveyou Dumb(:

Dumb said ‘I love you too’ :D